Shrine POI Generator
Generate unique and interesting names for a shrine location in your fantasy D&D world.
Other Locations
Here are some other name generators for points of interest that you might be interested in. We've also included some links to other generators that you might find useful.
Urban Areas
- Blacksmith
- General Store
- Marketplace
- Apothecary
- Magic Shop
- Bakery
- Butcher
- Tailor
- Jeweler
- Cartographer
- Stable
- Shipyard
- Fletcher/Bowyer
- Armorer
- Pawnshop
- Bookstore
- Bank
- Auction House
- Guardhouse
- Courthouse
- Town Hall
- Library
- Guildhall
- Training Grounds
- Temple/Church
- Shrine
- School/Academy
- Orphanage
- Cemetery
- Hospita
- Brothel
- Tavern
- Theater
- Arena
- Bathhouse
- Park
- Hermit’s Hut
- Farmstead
- Hunting Lodge
- Watchtower
- Abandoned Cabin
- Trading Post
- Cave Entrance
- Sacred Grove
- Ranger Station
- Monastery
- Shrine to a Deity
- Old Mill
Dungeons & Ruins
- Ancient Temple
- Underground Ruins
- Crypt/Catacombs
- Bandit Hideout
- Cursed Tower
- Forgotten Library
- Mineshaft
- Prison
- Alchemist’s Lab
- Thieves’ Den
- Necromancer’s Lair
- Arcane Tower
- Sunken Ruins
Basic Rules
Monsters of the Multiverse
- Duergar
- Aarakocra
- Deep Gnome
- Eladrin
- Air Genasi
- Centaur
- Changeling
- Earth Genasi
- Fairy
- Fire Genasi
- Gith
- Githyanki
- Githzerai
- Harengon
- Minotaur
- Satyr
- Sea Elf
- Shadar-kai
- Shifter
- Tortle
- Water Genasi
- Yuan-ti
- Kender
- Owlin
Volo's Guide to Monsters
- Aasimar
- Bugbear
- Firbolg
- Goblin
- Goliath
- Hobgoblin
- Kenku
- Kobold
- Lizardfolk
- Orc
- Tabaxi
- Triton
- Yuan-ti Pureblood
Rising from the Last War
Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica
Book of Ebon Tides
Urban Areas
- Bartender
- Blacksmith
- Shop Keeper
- Herbalist
- Barber
- Merchant
- Alchemist
- Innkeeper
- Butcher
- Tailor
- Jeweler
- Fletcher
- Stable Master
- Banker
- Cartographer
- Scribe
- Baker
- Shipwright
- City Guard
- Town Crier
- Judge
- Tax Collector
- Scholar
- Priest
- Healer
- Librarian
- Guild Master
- Executioner
- Bard
- Actor
- Gladiator
- Proprietor