A Guide to Oath of Vengeance Paladin in 2024

A Guide to Oath of Vengeance Paladin in 2024

Few subclasses embody the concept of "an eye for an eye" quite like an Oath of Vengeance Paladin. As we stand on the edge of the 2024 Player's Handbook release, this paragon of retribution is poised to undergo significant changes that will redefine its role on the battlefield. Let's delve into the changes and examine how these updates will forge an even more formidable character choice.

Vow of Enmity

At the core of the Vengeance Paladin's arsenal lies Vow of Enmity, a feature that's receiving a significant overhaul in the 2024 iteration. These alterations promise to not only streamline the Paladin's action economy but also introduce new tactical depths to combat encounters.

Improved Activation

The most radical change to Vow of Enmity is its new activation method.

Previously, invoking this ability consumed a bonus action, often forcing Paladins into a tactical dilemma. In the 2024 version, this limitation has been removed.

Vow of Enmity now triggers automatically when you strike a creature, eliminating the need for a separate action or bonus action. This leaves players with that sometimes essential bonus action to play with.

Enhanced Flexibility

Another pivotal update to Vow of Enmity is the ability to transfer the effect if your initial target falls. According to the new rules...

...if a creature under your Vow's effect drops to 0 Hit Points, you can immediately shift your focus to another creature within 30 feet, without expending an action.

This enhancement introduces a new dimension of tactical flexibility. Your signature ability will no longer be squandered if your initial target succumbs quickly. Instead, you can seamlessly redirect your wrath, maintaining your combat advantage throughout protracted engagements.

Mechanical Benefits

The core mechanical benefit of Vow of Enmity remains unchanged: advantage on attack rolls against the vowed creature for 1 minute. This potent effect significantly increases your probability of landing blows and scoring critical hits against your chosen adversary.

With the new activation method, you'll be able to apply this advantage more consistently and efficiently.

The removal of the bonus action requirement means you can potentially invoke Vow of Enmity on your opening salvo while retaining your bonus action for other abilities or spells.

You can hear more on the release from the official video

Relentless Avenger

The 7th-level feature, Relentless Avenger, has also undergone a transformation that amplifies the Oath of Vengeance Paladin's capacity for battlefield control.

Opportunity Attack Enhancement

Under the new ruleset, when you connect with an Opportunity Attack, you can reduce the target's speed to 0 until the end of the current turn. This ability adds a CC element into your arsenal, allowing you to potentially halt an enemy's advance at an opportune moment.

Tactical Implications

The ramifications of this change are profound. By reducing an enemy's speed to 0, you can prevent them from reaching vulnerable allies, force them to remain within your threat range, or even thwart their attempts to flee when they're on the brink of defeat.

This feature synergizes seamlessly with other Paladin abilities and spells. For instance, you could use your Opportunity Attack to immobilize an enemy, then use your subsequent turn to close the distance and unleash a devastating Divine Smite. Alternatively, you could employ this ability to keep an enemy within the area of effect of persistent spells like Spirit Guardians.

Soul of Vengeance

At 15th level, the Oath of Vengeance Paladin gains Soul of Vengeance, a feature that has been refined to offer even greater combat potential.

Reactive Combat

The updated Soul of Vengeance allows you to use your reaction to make a melee attack against a creature under your Vow of Enmity's effect after it attacks, regardless of whether that attack connects or misses. This change expands your opportunities to utilize this feature, as you're no longer constrained to reacting only when the enemy fails to land a blow.

Synergy with Vow of Enmity

The interplay between Soul of Vengeance and the improved Vow of Enmity is particularly powerful. Since Vow of Enmity now activates on a hit and can be transferred to new targets, you'll have more consistent opportunities to leverage Soul of Vengeance throughout a combat encounter.

This combination allows for a significant amplification of your damage output, especially in prolonged engagements. You'll be able to make additional attacks more frequently, and these attacks will benefit from the advantage granted by Vow of Enmity, increasing your chances of landing hits and scoring critical strikes.

Avenging Angel

The capstone ability of the Oath of Vengeance Paladin, Avenging Angel, has received substantial updates that elevate its impact at 20th level.

Ease of Activation

One of the most significant changes to Avenging Angel is its activation method. In the 2024 update, you can now trigger this ability as a bonus action, rather than an action. This change allows you to metamorphose into an Avenging Angel and still execute your full suite of actions on the same turn, dramatically increasing your combat effectiveness.

Extended Duration

The duration of Avenging Angel has been extended to a full hour in the new rules. This represents a colossal increase from its previous duration, allowing you to maintain this powerful form for extended periods. This change transforms Avenging Angel from a short-term combat boost to a sustained power that can potentially persist throughout an entire adventure or dungeon delve.

Flight and Frightful Aura

Avenging Angel grants you the ability to fly at a speed equal to your walking speed. This aerial capability opens up new tactical vistas, allowing you to engage flying foes, reach otherwise inaccessible areas, and gain a significant mobility advantage in combat.

Additionally, Avenging Angel now includes a Frightful Aura. Enemies within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. This aura adds a powerful control element to your repertoire, potentially neutralizing multiple adversaries simultaneously and synergizing well with your other abilities.

Impact on Gameplay and Character Building

The changes to Relentless Avenger and Soul of Vengeance, combined with the improvements to Vow of Enmity, significantly augment the Oath of Vengeance Paladin's combat versatility. You'll have more tools for controlling the battlefield, reacting to enemy actions, and maintaining consistent damage output throughout a fight.

These updates also influence how you might approach feat selection and multiclassing. For example, feats that grant bonus action abilities become more attractive now that Vow of Enmity doesn't compete for your bonus action. Similarly, multiclass options that rely on reaction abilities (like the Battle Master Fighter's Riposte maneuver) could synergize well with your enhanced reactive capabilities.

In Comparison to Other Oaths

With these updates, the Oath of Vengeance Paladin cements its position as one of the most offensively-oriented Paladin subclasses.

Unique Strengths

The Oath of Vengeance excels at single-target damage and now boasts improved battlefield control capabilities. The updated Vow of Enmity and Soul of Vengeance allow for consistent, high damage output against priority targets, while Relentless Avenger provides a unique form of movement control.

Compared to other Paladin oaths, Vengeance stands out for its offensive focus and reactive combat style. While oaths like Devotion or Ancients might offer more defensive or supportive options, Vengeance provides unparalleled ability to lock down and eliminate key threats.

Potential Drawbacks

Despite its strengths, the Oath of Vengeance still has some potential limitations. Its abilities are largely focused on single-target damage, which may be less effective against large groups of weaker enemies. Additionally, while Relentless Avenger provides some crowd control, the subclass lacks the area-of-effect damage or wide-ranging protective abilities found in some other oaths.

To mitigate these drawbacks, consider party composition when playing an Oath of Vengeance Paladin. Pairing with a class that excels at area damage (like a Wizard or Sorcerer) can help cover your weaknesses. Additionally, judicious use of your spell selections can help round out your capabilities, providing options for when single-target focus isn't optimal.

Optimizing Your Oath of Vengeance Paladin

To maximize the potential of the 2024 updates to the Oath of Vengeance Paladin, consider the following optimization strategies:

  1. Prioritize Strength and Charisma - With the improved Vow of Enmity, you'll want to ensure your attack bonus is as high as possible to capitalize on the automatic activation. High Charisma will also bolster your saving throw DCs for abilities like your Frightful Aura.
  2. Consider the Sentinel Feat - This feat synergizes exceptionally well with your improved Opportunity Attacks from Relentless Avenger, allowing you to further control enemy movement.
  3. Focus on Bonus Action Spells - Spells like Shield of Faith become more attractive now that Vow of Enmity doesn't compete for your bonus action.
  4. Utilize Your Improved Mobility - With Avenging Angel granting flight, consider tactics that leverage aerial combat and difficult terrain.
  5. Don't Neglect Your Auras - While the updates focus on offensive capabilities, remember that your Aura of Protection and other Paladin auras remain crucial for supporting your party.
  6. Consider Multiclassing - A few levels in Fighter for Action Surge or Warlock for short-rest spell slots can enhance your nova damage potential.
  7. Use Channel Divinity Wisely - With Vow of Enmity no longer using your bonus action, you have more freedom to use your other Channel Divinity option, Abjure Enemy, when appropriate.

By leveraging these strategies and the new features of the Oath of Vengeance Paladin, you'll be well-equipped to mete out justice and retribution in your D&D campaigns.


The 2024 updates to the Oath of Vengeance Paladin represent a significant evolution for this iconic subclass. By streamlining core abilities like Vow of Enmity, enhancing battlefield control with Relentless Avenger, improving reactive combat with Soul of Vengeance, and amplifying the power of Avenging Angel, these changes create a more dynamic and effective instrument of divine retribution.

These updates not only improve the Paladin's action economy and combat effectiveness but also unlock new tactical options and character building strategies. While maintaining its core identity as a single-target damage specialist, the Oath of Vengeance Paladin now boasts enhanced flexibility and sustained combat potential.

As we anticipate the release of the 2024 Player's Handbook, it's evident that the Oath of Vengeance Paladin will continue to be a formidable choice for players seeking to embody righteous fury and unwavering justice in their D&D adventures. Whether you're a seasoned Paladin player or considering this subclass for the first time, the updated Oath of Vengeance offers an exhilarating and potent option for your next character. Prepare to unleash your divine wrath and bring swift, decisive vengeance to the foes of justice in the ever-evolving world of Dungeons & Dragons.